Public Profiles FAQ

Learn about how we're using Public Profiles to help organisations fill more shifts, and enable relief staff to secure more work
Written by Adam Murdoch
Updated 1 year ago


What is a Public Profile?

A Public Profile is a setting canuwork users can enable so they can share their profile and availability with nearby employers. Enabling a Public Profile will mean you can secure more relief staff work with additional employers.

How can I enable my Public Profile?

To enable your Public Profile, please check your email for an invitation. If you didn’t receive one, you can email and we’ll help you get setup.

What information will you share with employers if I sign up for a Public Profile?

When you enable a Public Profile, we’ll only share the most important contact information with requesting employers. This will include your name, email and phone number.


I’m having trouble filling a work request. How can I request a list of staff using Public Profiles?

Email the team at canuwork to request a list of available staff using Public Profiles. Please note, we can only provide a list of users who are available on a single day. Please submit additional requests if you need to fill a work request spanning several days.

Once I receive a list of staff, how can I request they accept my work request?

We recommend calling or emailing your selected relief staff first and making an introduction. If you only invite users to join your canuwork employer organisation, they may not see the invitation immediately. This may be an issue if you are trying to fill an absent shift and don’t have a lot of time available.

Do I need to enable Public Profiles on my employer account?

No - there’s no need to enable anything on the employer account.

Will it cost me anything to request a list of relief staff using Public Profiles?

Not at all. Public Profiles is a free service we provide to help you ensure you can fill a work request, even when your existing staff aren’t available on that day.

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