FAQs and Troubleshooting
A complete list of the most commonly asked questions by canuwork users.Installing the canuwork app
Compatibility issues
Why is my older Apple iOS device not compatible with the canuwork app.
Inviting Staff
Find new staff nearby with Public Profiles
Employers looking to find new casual relief staff can now view Employees in their region who have Public Profiles enabled
Public Profiles FAQ
Learn about how we're using Public Profiles to help organisations fill more shifts, and enable relief staff to secure more work
Invite to join team not received
I have sent an invite to a new employee but when they login the invite is not showing and they cannot join the team?
Notification sounds
View/Change canuwork notification sound
Notifications aren't working
If you are not receiving notifications and cannot turn them on within the App Settings, try these steps.
Confirm notifications are on - Android
You will want to ensure notifications are turned on to ensure you receive requests to work from your Employer.
Employee Questions
Error - Please update your location in Edit to view Nearby
If you get this error when tapping Nearby in Profile.
How can I confirm I am booked after accepting a work request.
Do I need to confirm that I am booked in to work?
Can any Employer view my availability?
Is my availability visible to anyone other than my Employer
Employer Questions
Cancel a Shift/Booking
How to cancel a shift/booking after it has been sent or accepted.
How many work requests can I send?
Number of work requests varies depending on subscription
Can other Employers (teams) view my casual staff (employees)?
Could another Employer view and book my casual staff?